Wednesday, June 11, 2014

DIY: Crossover Crop Top

DIY: Crossover Crop Top
Woo, summer is finally here! That means hot weather and the need to update your wardrobe… Updating doesn’t always mean buying new clothes. It can mean just revamping what you already have. I can’t emphasize enough how tight money can be in college so I came up with simple DIY that’s stylish and perfect for summer!
I constantly see fashion- centered Instagram users wear crop tops that cross over in the front so that’s where I found inspiration. I couldn’t find the tops easily online or in- store for a reasonable price so I decided to try a DIY. This tutorial is actually from my second trial so it looks a little rough around the edges, but I’ve since perfected the method.
•Tank top— this will be the crop top after all of the steps. It can be patterned or plain depending on what you want the crop top to look like, but keep in mind that you’re going to alter it so some designs may not look as good. You can use an old tank like I did or buy a cheap one. Another tip would be to try to use a tank that’s one or two sizes larger just for extra room to work with in the later steps. It’s better to have more than less with this DIY.
•Scissors— these are going to shape the top and also get rid of excess material. Try to use a sharp pair so your shirt cuts easily and evenly.
•Pencil/ Chalk— this will mark the top for cutting. If you’re using a light colored top, a pencil will work fine. If you’re going to transform a darker one, chalk could work or possibly a white colored pencil.
•Ruler— this will be used to measure for symmetry and help in the marking process. I used index cards for mine just because they were nearby and I didn’t have a ruler at the time. It’d be preferable to use one, but you can always improvise.
1• Place your desired tank top flat out on your working surface. Check that you’ve smoothed it out so that it’ll be proportional and simple as you continue.
2•Take your ruler (or whatever other useful measuring device) and find the center/ line of symmetry (it doesn’t have to be perfect but a it must be generally in the right area).
Use your marking tool (pencil/colored pencil/chalk) and draw a line down the middle you just determined.
3•Grab your scissors and cut only the front half of the shirt down that center line, but do not cut all the way to the neckline/ collar just yet! I repeat: only cut the front layer of the shirt so the back is fully in tact still and so is the collar.
4•Open the two newly- made front panels. Mark the line of symmetry again or follow it once more if it imprinted on the back. 
5•Use your ruler horizontally to mark one point on each side of the line of symmetry at the level under where your bra would be in the shirt. These dots should be near below-to- mid bra level. Determine a good measurement based off your size on how wide you mark the dots from the center. A good determinant of if you’ve drawn too far is to think of if the rectangle is wider than the center of each bra cup— the rectangle should be near the back of the bra for the top line and it’s width should not stray far from the center of each cup. After you figure out your marks draw a line downward to the bottom. Connect the points with your pencil and a basic rectangular shape should be visible. Since I used index cards, I laid them a few centimeters from the line of symmetry, and drew along their edges until I made the rectangle. 
6•Cut the rectangle out and finally cut down the front collar or neckline of the shirt. If you’re uncertain about your marks for the rectangle panel on the back, cut less during this step and adjust later.
7•Grab each of the panels and cross one over the other to achieve that crossover look until you like how the layers appear. (Two hanging panels should remain and of course some of the back. These two panels are part of the front and part of the back of your used- to- be- tank and will function as the crossover material for your crop top. )
8•Securely close off the ends of your panels so that the shirt can remain in place and the crossover effect will too. You can just tie the two strips together (this can be sort of tight if you didn’t use a larger size tank) or tuck the ends in very securely. You can also knot them together and fold the knot inward.
9•Tuck the collar in to make the crop top seem more polished and styled unless you like that slightly wild collar look!
(10• Wear your DIY crop top proudly and look good! PS, I didn’t have any better shorts with me at the time so it’ll look better than this!)
I hope that was clear enough for you and that you’ll all be able to create this fashionable “up-cycled” top!
Did you like this post? Do you like my blog? Would you like YouTube videos? Give me feedback on here, Instagram, or twitter. Plus, I’d love to connect with you all!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Date Idea: the bookstore

DATE IDEA: the bookstore
Cost: $
Honestly, I view this as a fall date just because it seems cozy and slightly nerdy— it’s still fun though! However, summer is the time when college students tend to have more spare time thus more time to go out, especially on dates.
This date requires you and your date to head down to your local bookstore ( don’t do this at your campus bookstore ) and have fun.
Peruse the selection as normal and pick up whatever books you plan to purchase; if none, that’s fine!
Once you’re both done choosing, plop down in the “poetry and romance” section and let the sweetness and or hilarity ensue.
If you’re feeling cheesy and deep, go for the poetry shelf. You guys can share some of your favorites from the classics; it’ll help you bond, learn about each other, and just express yourself. 
You can go light- hearted and pick random poems or some Shel Silverstein!
If you feel like just joking around, definitely go for the romance shelf! It might sound crazy, but this can be hilarious. By “romance” I mean 50 Shades or those stubby novels you find at the market with some bare-chested man next to a stallion. Pick one of these up, open to a random page and paragraph, and read it aloud (or at least attempt to). It’ll be ridiculous, awkward, and overall, just fun!
Or if you guys are totally into that stuff, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it in a different way!Ahaha.
My boyfriend and I did this in the fall, we laughed a ton, and spent nothing (excluding the small amount of gas). It was a date full of teasing, joking, and sharing perspectives on literature! 
This is a simple date that I hope you guys also enjoy! It won’t break the bank unless you buy a bunch of books so it’s perfect for a laid- back, casual date night.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Staying Motivated in College-- Spring term

Honestly, I wish I had an appropriate word for spring slack, but I don’t. It’s similar to senioritis. Spring term can lull you into this state of chaos without you even realizing it is. This state of chaos is both laziness and the pressure not to have that laziness so your mind is constantly whirring with stress or you are completely in that state of chaos where everything is fine because you don’t care. You should care. Don’t aim for a C when you know you can get a B.
I had someone have a breakdown because they were suffering from their lack of motivation and after helping that person, I thought it might be helpful to share my thoughts with you!
Some simple tips I have for staying motivated even when summer is slowly approaching are:
  • ENCOURAGE YOURSELF. Even if you don’t 100% believe it or are at the brink of losing your mind and all faith in the institution that is education, tell yourself you can do it. Remind yourself of all the awesome accomplishments and skills you have already garnered. And at this low, you might not see any positive aspects of yourself, but do not deprecate yourself. You are in college that is a feat in itself. 
  • BREATHE. I know that the end of the term can be a mental overload and a physical toll, but please, just breathe. Take a moment to just inhale and exhale. It sounds completely cliché, but that moment of serenity will alleviate you of some stress.
  • WRITE DOWN YOUR OBLIGATIONS. If you write out everything, you will get a sense of what needs to be done and from there, you can plan your course of action. When I said everything, I mean everything— all of the assignments you need to submit, the hours you need to work, the meetings you have to attend, the tests you need to pass, and other responsibilities. Physically writing and seeing these items in front of you might stress you out at first, but view the list as a step to getting to where you want to be. See it as a challenge and tackle it.
  • REMIND YOURSELF OF YOUR GOALS. People do not reach their dreams by just sleep. It takes action and none of that laziness, self- loathing, and procrastination is enough to get there. Do you want to help others? Do you want to make your family proud? Do you want to make 6 figures and provide? How will you do that if you’re not trying 100%? Competition might be an unhealthy form of motivating yourself or setting a goal, but if it’s not hurting you or anyone, go for it! Graduate summa cum laude, study your butt off to beat the usual #1 in class, or just show your ex or your current’s ex, how great you are— whatever it is, remember that you want this and remember that you have to work for this.
  • ACT. After these steps, actually do those things you wrote so you can continue to be who you encouraged yourself about and so that you can realize your aspirations. Do it. 
  • TAKE BREAKS+ REWARD YOURSELF. If you need to relax, relax. Working in a condition that is hurting you will not be as productive as it should be. Say you're a balloon and say pressure and stress are extra pumps of air… If a balloon is overinflated, it will burst and all of that air will just spread throughout  the whole room and that balloon cannot be put together again. If you over- stress yourself, you are risking your health and honestly, not working to your true potential. If you do this, it might just blow up in your face, making all of that pressure surround you instead of you keeping it in control and contained. If you do something, reward yourself. You deserve to feel fulfilled after you act well.
Gift Guide #1 (simple spending gifts)
Gift Guide: Simple Spending for around $20 for those around 20.
 This is the first post of wonderful series! I’ll be having DIY gifts, cheaper price range gifts, and higher end gifts too. I will also recreate some of the suggested gifts and post pictures later on! I hope you enjoy!
 The Gift for a Sophisticated Lady
—A decorative tray: No, it does not have to be $34. They have a great variety for under $5 everywhere. I’ve seen some cute plastic ones at Daiso and also some faux glass or nickel ones at the Dollar Tree!
[Assuming you buy it at one of those places,]
[Decorative tray… $2]
[running total: $2]
—A dainty or stylish cup and glass: this pair is sweet and simple, but also useful— anyone can appreciate these! Again, it does not have to be $24, that was just the best set in the picture data base. You can buy a simple set at Target, Daiso, or the 99c Store!
[Assuming you buy them at one of those places:]
[Decorative tray… $2]
[Stylish cup… $1]
[Matching plate… $1]
[running total: $4]
—A package of coffee or tea mix: K- Cups are awesome and are a $9 for a 12- pack, but a delicious and even more inexpensive alternative can be tea bags or the cans of ground coffee beans for half the price.
[Assuming you buy one of those alternatives:]
[Decorative tray… $2]
[Stylish cup… $1]
[Matching plate… $1]
[Tea/ Coffee… $4.50]
[running total: $8.50]
—A book: these can range in price, but most books would hit around $10… My mom prefers audio books so I plan on creating an audible account for her, which I believe will give you one free purchase for signing up! If that’s not always the case, apps like 8tracks offer a free book or get a referral— one user I’ve heard mention audible is actually Shane Dawson on Youtube so you can click through his description box for that deal! You can print a picture of the cover for presentation and fill the back in with the audible account details!
[Assuming you choose the free audiobook:]
[Decorative tray… $2]
[Stylish cup… $1]
[Matching plate… $1]
[Tea/ Coffee… $4.50]
[Book/ Audiobook… free]
[running total: $8.50]
—A sweet treat: this depends on preferences and quantity. Loads of ladies are gaga over french macarons, but they can get pricey, especially when they average at $2 each, which doesn’t sound like much, but to a college student like me, it is! Buying a simple cupcake or a few cookies for the same price would be much more filling. “More bang for your buck”, but if the recipient truly loves macaroons, it couldn’t hurt to get a couple if you have a little spare cash.
[Assuming you choose a heartier treat:]
[Decorative tray… $2]
[Stylish cup… $1]
[Matching plate… $1]
[Tea/ Coffee… $4.50]
[Book/ Audiobook… free]
[Sweet treat… $2]
[running total: $10.50]*
*I believe that you can just present it sweet & simply on the tray so there is no additional cost for wrapping or packaging.’
The Gift for Any Man
—“Hear good”: most guys I know enjoy speakers or headphones for some reason so one for their phone would be a nice gift whether they’re going to blast music for a party, studying, exercising, etc. They range in price from super cheap at a few dollars to hundreds… The latter half of the spectrum is not in a college budget and buying one that costs $2 may not be reliable so just purchase an $8 one at Target or Walmart or online, it’ll work fine and last until the next year, at least!
[Assuming you find the lower end kind:]
[Decent speakers… $8]
[Running total… $8]
—“Smell good”: don’t lie, you know most people enjoy a man that smells good so help him out and get him some type of cologne or body spray! You could even buy him Axe for maybe $5-6 or some cheaper stuff. As long as it smells nice, it’s a go!
[Assuming you find a basic but nice smell:]
[Decent speakers… $8]
[Body spray/ Cologne… $5]
[Running total… $13]
—“Look good”: a guy has to have his hair product whether he uses it daily or just on some occasions, he’s going to need a good go- to product. I found a nicely priced one on for a 3- pack and it had a high star rating by customer reviews! I’m going to split the cost of the 3 because they probably sell it individually in the actual store.
[Assuming you find a small individual size:]
[Speakers… $8]
[Body spray/ Cologne… $5]
[Hair product… $2]
[Running total… $15]
—“Feel good”: guys stress more and just enjoy massages most of the time so a massage tool is a simple and useful gift for them! They have so many at your typical stores or even Pier 1 which has higher priced items has them for only $5… You can find them for just $2 at Walmart or Target!
[Assuming you find one at the cheaper stores:]
[Speakers… $8]
[Body spray/ Cologne… $5]
[Hair product… $2]
[Massage tool… $2]
[Running total… $17]
—“Taste good”: everyone loves food and many guys I know enjoy taking protein and whey and all of that fitness stuff so a protein bar is nice, filling addition… Clif bars actually taste good and are only about $2! Even if the guy you know doesn’t take those supplements, he might enjoy it or you could just buy the equivalent in other goodies.
[Assuming you find one:]
[Speakers… $8]
[Body spray/ Cologne… $5]
[Hair product… $2]
[Massage tool… $2]
[Snack… $2]
[Running total… $19]
[+ plain wrapping $1… $20]
A Gift for Any Gal
—A nice lippie: lip products can make your face pop even if that’s all you’re wearing. There are so many drugstore brands that provide good quality and color for a low price. ELF, NYC cosmetics, and Wet n’ Wild would be a few.
[Assuming you go for the lower end drugstore brand:]
[Lip product… $2]
[Running total… $2]
—A cute makeup bag: this doubles as your gift packaging and gift. The one above is from H&M online.
[Assuming you find a well- priced one in person:]
[Lip product… $2]
[Makeup bag… $5]
[Running total… $7]
—A sweet bracelet: it adds to the bag and gives a fuller appearance. The variety is a basic way to make it seem like you’re giving more than you really are! You can find cute accessories anywhere for any price, averaging at $6 for a bracelet at the typical stores most girls visit. The one above is from Claire’s!
[Assuming your store has less expensive jewelry:]
[Lip product… $2]
[Makeup bag… $5]
[Bracelet… $5]
[Running total… $12]
—A pretty palette: every girl has to dabble in eyeshadow at one point so hook a sister up with a good one she can easily repurchase if she hits pan! Wet n’ Wild has some of the best for a few dollars in drugstore lines, hands down.
[Assuming you find a well- priced one in person:]
[Lip product… $2]
[Makeup bag… $5]
[Bracelet… $5]
[Eyeshadow palette… $3]
[Running total… $15]
—A fragrant rollerball: a girl should smell good and I personally think lots of girls like to have a signature scent. Forever 21 has this one rollerball for $1.50 that smells great and has the convenience of a marker size!
[Assuming you find one in stock:]
[Lip product… $2]
[Makeup bag… $5]
[Bracelet… $5]
[Eyeshadow palette… $3]
[Rollerball… $1.50]
[+homemade card… free]
[Running total… $16.50]

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What’s in my school bag ?
Everyone is curious about the contents of other people’s bags for some reason.  I think it gives some insight about the person so here is a peek into my school soul. It also shows some of the college essentials!
(From top to bottom then left to right.)
BLUE CONTENT BAG: this little pouch is dedicated to girly items— sorry if that’s a cringe factor! It keeps all of those products concealed& organized. It’s a must- have if you want to discreetly go freshen up. Taking your bag is just not an option since that screams, “I’m bleeding” or “I’m leaving”.
BOOK: it’s bulky and I bought it at full price hence the gift wrap covering; I have to make it last and keep it in excellent condition if I want to resell and reuse it for the second section. This course actually comes in two parts, one beginning and the other advanced, so the book is used for the next class also so I definitely have to cover it. My professor made it mandatory to have the book each class for references and in- class cases and problems. If you can get away with not carrying a heavy book, I envy you!
CALCULATOR: this is a basic, scientific calculator. I have one of those huge graphing ones too, but I’m not taking a math this term (both fortunately and unfortunately). It’s good to be prepared and several other classes require calculations that I don’t want to do by hand so I have my handy- dandy calculator to compute those for me.
BACKPACK: it’s hipster- esque according to my boyfriend, but I find that it looks cute and I love the compartments. It’s easy enough for me to access my belongings, but has too many closures for anyone to mess with my stuff without notice. However, this bag’s strap on the bottom is slowly tearing, so I suggest you invest in a strong backpack and expensive does not equate to sturdiness. 
3- SUBJECT NOTEBOOK: 3- subject notebook really means 1- subject notebook in half of the classes I have so beware! I find the cheap ones an honest alternative to the ones that cost a few more dollars. Notes, notes, notes so this is essential. Buy multiple when you see them on sale!
PLANNER: this is my favorite school supply and has grown in necessity tremendously. Time management is so vital to me and my planner helps me track all my obligations. Even if you have a calendar, nothing replaces handwriting items down and having them pop out at you.
PEN: it’s necessary, period. I prefer writing in pen, it feels smoother and it lasts longer. 
PENCILS: tests and a majority of work might be required to be completed in pencil so buy a pack. I only use #2 mechanical pencils for efficiency, convenience, & comfort. 
ERASER: this isn’t exactly a required material, but I find it useful and I hate bad erasures so I opt to just buy a quality retractable one.
BEAUTY ITEMS: I don’t carry an arsenal of makeup with me at school, but I admit to bringing a couple beauty items. These would be my necessities. I don’t wear makeup every single day— I don’t have time for that when I’m trying to maximize on every minute of sleep/ be lazy. I carry these items mainly for retouching if I need to on the days I do get ready, if I feel like I look like the walking dead, or I need to look more presentable and impress someone. The short list of items is: an eyeliner pencil, rollerball perfume, a folding brush/comb, and a pigmented lip balm.
HAIR: below the beauty products is a small group of hair claws (those grabbing clips) and a hair band, just for those days.
STAPLER: it isn’t the most used item, but when you have a strict professor, you might need this. I have one of the highest grades in class, but that didn’t prevent my professor from putting me on the spot for not having a paper stapled. There’s not much leniency in college and I’d rather not get grilled over a tiny piece of flimsy metal again. 
USB: this is a must- buy. There is no way of getting out of buying one of these and I carry mine in my bag just because if I don’t constantly keep it in a specific spot it’ll go missing like the hundred cases of missing lip balms. You’ll use it for an endless number of assignments and other needs. 
WALLET: as broke as a college student is, I usually bring my wallet with me for ID purposes or in case I need to spend money… Or often, want to spend some. I love my wallet, but I understand it’d be better if I brought a smaller one. 
PORTABLE CHARGER: this is the barely recognizable black block below my wallet next to the mints. I use my phone a lot, maybe a little excessively and combined with the quick drain of the iPhone’s battery, I need this if I have a long day ahead of me.
 MINTS: fresh breath, a way to calm nerves, a method of concentrating, and a mid-class snack. I like having either mints or spray in my bag to be prepared and avoid any possible stanky situations and I personally love the taste. 
HAND SANITIZER: this is just a simple hygiene and safety protocol to me. You’re constantly in an environment full of people while at school so that means a pool of germs to fight. It’s easy to just have this measure to feel and be cleaner when you feel like you need to be or before a snack, etc.
These are my essentials for most school days!
 I hope you enjoyed this post.
What’s in my school bag ?
Everyone is curious about the contents of other people’s bags for some reason.
I think it gives some insight about the person so here is a peek into my school soul. It also shows some of the college essentials!
(From top to bottom then left to right.)
  • BLUE CONTENT BAG: this little pouch is dedicated to girly items— sorry if that’s a cringe factor! It keeps all of those products concealed& organized. It’s a must- have if you want to discreetly go freshen up. Taking your bag is just not an option since that screams, “I’m bleeding” or “I’m leaving”.
  • BOOK: it’s bulky and I bought it at full price hence the gift wrap covering; I have to make it last and keep it in excellent condition if I want to resell and reuse it for the second section. This course actually comes in two parts, one beginning and the other advanced, so the book is used for the next class also so I definitely have to cover it. My professor made it mandatory to have the book each class for references and in- class cases and problems. If you can get away with not carrying a heavy book, I envy you!
  • CALCULATOR: this is a basic, scientific calculator. I have one of those huge graphing ones too, but I’m not taking a math this term (both fortunately and unfortunately). It’s good to be prepared and several other classes require calculations that I don’t want to do by hand so I have my handy- dandy calculator to compute those for me.
  • BACKPACK: it’s hipster- esque according to my boyfriend, but I find that it looks cute and I love the compartments. It’s easy enough for me to access my belongings, but has too many closures for anyone to mess with my stuff without notice. However, this bag’s strap on the bottom is slowly tearing, so I suggest you invest in a strong backpack and expensive does not equate to sturdiness. 
  • 3- SUBJECT NOTEBOOK: 3- subject notebook really means 1- subject notebook in half of the classes I have so beware! I find the cheap ones an honest alternative to the ones that cost a few more dollars. Notes, notes, notes so this is essential. Buy multiple when you see them on sale!
  • PLANNER: this is my favorite school supply and has grown in necessity tremendously. Time management is so vital to me and my planner helps me track all my obligations. Even if you have a calendar, nothing replaces handwriting items down and having them pop out at you.
  • PEN: it’s necessary, period. I prefer writing in pen, it feels smoother and it lasts longer. 
  • PENCILS: tests and a majority of work might be required to be completed in pencil so buy a pack. I only use #2 mechanical pencils for efficiency, convenience, & comfort. 
  • ERASER: this isn’t exactly a required material, but I find it useful and I hate bad erasures so I opt to just buy a quality retractable one.
  • BEAUTY ITEMS: I don’t carry an arsenal of makeup with me at school, but I admit to bringing a couple beauty items. These would be my necessities. I don’t wear makeup every single day— I don’t have time for that when I’m trying to maximize on every minute of sleep/ be lazy. I carry these items mainly for retouching if I need to on the days I do get ready, if I feel like I look like the walking dead, or I need to look more presentable and impress someone. The short list of items is: an eyeliner pencil, rollerball perfume, a folding brush/comb, and a pigmented lip balm.
  • HAIR: below the beauty products is a small group of hair claws (those grabbing clips) and a hair band, just for those days.
  • STAPLER: it isn’t the most used item, but when you have a strict professor, you might need this. I have one of the highest grades in class, but that didn’t prevent my professor from putting me on the spot for not having a paper stapled. There’s not much leniency in college and I’d rather not get grilled over a tiny piece of flimsy metal again.
  • USB: this is a must- buy. There is no way of getting out of buying one of these and I carry mine in my bag just because if I don’t constantly keep it in a specific spot it’ll go missing like the hundred cases of missing lip balms. You’ll use it for an endless number of assignments and other needs.
  • WALLET: as broke as a college student is, I usually bring my wallet with me for ID purposes or in case I need to spend money… Or often, want to spend some. I love my wallet, but I understand it’d be better if I brought a smaller one. 
  • PORTABLE CHARGER: this is the barely recognizable black block below my wallet next to the mints. I use my phone a lot, maybe a little excessively and combined with the quick drain of the iPhone’s battery, I need this if I have a long day ahead of me.
  • MINTS: fresh breath, a way to calm nerves, a method of concentrating, and a mid-class snack. I like having either mints or spray in my bag to be prepared and avoid any possible stanky situations and I personally love the taste.
  • HAND SANITIZER: this is just a simple hygiene and safety protocol to me. You’re constantly in an environment full of people while at school so that means a pool of germs to fight. It’s easy to just have this measure to feel and be cleaner when you feel like you need to be or before a snack, etc.

These are my essentials for most school days!
I hope you enjoyed this post.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Being in college is full of coin counting, trying to get as many hours as humanly possible without draining yourself completely and money tight periods overall.
As much as we want to just abstain from spending, we can’t and won’t. So there are several options to save while you spend. If you know you’re going to spend money somewhere in the near future, go buy a gift card for the store at  (this is a referral link so help a girl out!).
Cardpool sells gift cards at a discounted rate so you’re paying below the stated value! It sounds too good to be true, but they buy gift cards at an even lower price (I believe— I haven’t sold any cards to them, but this reasoning make sense to me) from people who don’t want their gift cards.
So there is also that selling option if you’d prefer to get paid over a gift card. 
The site has up to 35% off so imagine buying a $100 gift card for just $65 and using it up to its full value. That’s awesome and every dollar counts in college.
The reviews are mixed, so it is definitely up to you to utilize this site’s services. I was sold on trying it out after hearing about it numerous times and I honestly love myself a good deal!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

My favorite site to find out about the class & professor is:
Just look at the course information for the class you’re interested in, check the professors listed, and search them through the database by their name or by your school and the subject. 
The site will give you an average score out of 5 based off the reviews by students on:
  • Overall quality
  • Helpfulness
  • Clarity
  • Easiness
  • Hotness (yes, as in if they’re gauging if they are attractive enough for you not to mind sitting in class for hours! Denoted only by a pepper not a number, haha.)
You can also read the individual reviews and look for those specific to the course you’re researching on! Based off of that information you can determine which class you want to register for.
This is a resource to tap into every time you register for classes!